Sholawat Munfarijah, also known as Sholawat Nariyah, is a form of praise for the Prophet Muhammad. It is widely known and recited by Muslims in Indonesia. However, there are differing opinions regarding its origin.
According to the book “Doa Populer” by Suhaidi Ghazali and Shabri Shaleh Anwar, some believe that Sholawat Munfarijah was created by someone named As-Sanusy. Others attribute its creation to Sheikh Nariyah. The historical origins of this sholawat are thus subject to debate.
So, what is the content of Sholawat Munfarijah? Below is the Arabic and Latin version, as well as its meaning, as cited from the book “Ayat Hirsi & Kumpulan Doa” by Dr. Hj Aah Tsamrotul Fuadah:
Arabic Latin: Allâhumma shalli shalâtan kâmilatan wa sallim salâman tâmman `alâ sayyidinâ Muḫammadinil-ladzi tanḫallu bihil-`uqadu wa tanfariju bihil-kurabu wa tuqdlâ bihil-ḫawâiju wa tunâlu bihir-raghâ’ibu wa ḫusnul-khawâtimi wa yustasqal -ghamâmu biwajhihil- karîmi wa `alâ âlihi wa shaḫbihi fî kulli lamḫatin wa bernapas bi`adadi kulli ma`lûmilak(a).
Meaning: “O Allah, bestow Your perfect blessings and complete well-being upon our master, Prophet Muhammad, through whom all difficulties are overcome, all problems are resolved, all needs are fulfilled, and all desires are granted. May the rain pour down and may his noble soul be blessed. May this blessing extend to his family and companions in every breath and every moment, as You know best.”
What are the virtues of practicing Sholawat Munfarijah? The recommendation to pray is mentioned in Surah Al Ahzab, verse 33, where Allah SWT says:
“And abide in your houses and do not display yourselves as [was] the display of the former times of ignorance. And establish prayer and give zakah and obey Allah and His Messenger. Allah intends only to remove from you the impurity [of sin], O people of the [Prophet’s] household, and to purify you completely.”
There are several benefits for those who diligently practice Sholawat Munfarijah, as discussed in the book “Keajaiban Sholawat” published by Qultum Media:
1. Opening of sustenance: If Muslims recite Sholawat Munfarijah as a form of remembrance after the obligatory prayers, then Allah SWT will open the doors of sustenance for them.
2. Fulfillment of desires and protection from calamities: Another priority is the fulfillment of desires and the granting of prayers. According to Sheikh Al Qurthuby, if someone recites Sholawat Munfarijah 4,444 times in one gathering, Allah SWT will grant their wishes and protect them from calamities.
3. Protection from diseases: Those who practice Sholawat Munfarijah after the Morning and Maghrib prayers for 21 days will be protected from various dangers and diseases.
In conclusion, these are the teachings and virtues of Sholawat Munfarijah. May they bring benefit to all.
Q: Siapakah pencipta Sholawat Munfarijah?
A: Ada perbedaan pendapat mengenai pencipta Sholawat Munfarijah. Beberapa sumber mengatakan bahwa As-Sanusy adalah penciptanya, sementara yang lain menyebut Syekh Nariyah sebagai penciptanya.
Q: Bagaimana bunyi Sholawat Munfarijah?
A: Berikut adalah versi Arab dan Latin Sholawat Munfarijah: [insert Arabic and Latin version]
Q: Apa keutamaan mengamalkan Sholawat Munfarijah?
A: Beberapa keutamaan mengamalkan Sholawat Munfarijah antara lain: pembukaan rezeki, terpenuhinya keinginan, dan perlindungan dari penyakit dan musibah.